22% of users who bought an iPhone Regrets and want their money back.
It's the surprising conclusion reached in a survey in the UK. Surprising because if something has always stood out this smartphone is the satisfaction of users who opt for the Apple mobile. And so are the reasons given to explaining his disappointment with the fashionable smartphone until recently (now has to compete with the growing popularity is reaching the Samsung Galaxy S II ).
Because almost half of respondents who said they are disappointed with your purchase (43%) because of the envy felt by terminals of other companies. The next reason for respondents GoodMobilePhones.co.uk the site, is the short battery life (25%), one of the great handicaps of the most powerful smartphones. Moreover, in the case of the latest iPhone 4S, since many users have experienced problems with its battery due to a bug in the latest version of the IOS operating system 5 . A mistake that Apple has tried to solve by removing a revised but still persists in many devices.
Because almost half of respondents who said they are disappointed with your purchase (43%) because of the envy felt by terminals of other companies. The next reason for respondents GoodMobilePhones.co.uk the site, is the short battery life (25%), one of the great handicaps of the most powerful smartphones. Moreover, in the case of the latest iPhone 4S, since many users have experienced problems with its battery due to a bug in the latest version of the IOS operating system 5 . A mistake that Apple has tried to solve by removing a revised but still persists in many devices.
It is surprising that failures in mobile phones launched by Apple is not one of the main reasons for distaste for English users. The problem with the battery is not the first in a long list of mistakes that accompanied the first terminals of each series of the iPhone, either by failures in the new version of IOS or the terminal itself. One of the most picturesque was the that affected the iPhone 4 and that made him lose coverage when the user presses one of the corners of the device.
Finally, 13% of unhappy iPhone users named the lack of buttons as the main reason. For many not so easy to abandon the traditional keyboard life. The survey by the English website took into account the responses of 1,700 British users over 18 years, although the sample of those who had iPhones is lower and so this study should be viewed with caution because it can not be completely representative. What may underlie a gradual change in the mobile market, which increasingly has serious competitors for the Apple phone.