Pocket God (IOS):
This game is great, from time to time in that trunk seemingly endless
fun that is the App Store are little gems like Pocket God.
True to its name in the game we become little gods where we have under
our supreme power to Pygmys, some funny little men who go through the
different islands skirt covered with banana leaves.
And to be a god, not that we are very lenient and may launch against
our small Pygmys all types of monsters, lightning, thunder, earthquakes,
tsunamis and even zombies, ghosts and spiders mutants. Also remarkable refresh rate and frequent DLC costs $ 0'99 dollars.
Cannon Ball : With iOS 5 has built a new turn-based gameplay apliaciones yet few have dared to implement.
The basic operation is that we perform an action (a movement on a map, a
roll ...) and we turn to another player who receives a notice telling
you that it's up, time in which we can stop worrying until the other end
and turn notify us.
Cannon Ball is a game without being extremely good, although it has its
points, is based entirely on this system, useful for testing and see
how this new feature. It's free.
Skitch (Android):
Skitch is a rather famous application for Mac screenshots (though now
that has been acquired by Evernote would expect that we can use in
Windows, even if indirectly), known for its multiple options for sharing
and customize your capture.
He has now made the leap to Android, where we do not allow you to take
screenshots, one of those absurd and counterproductive system
limitations, but do the same for images, photographs and some documenos. It works flawlessly, is very fast and is free.