Biit Smart Playlists and free music for Smatphones [Video]

Biit is a national project on-demand music streaming for smartphones that will not leave anyone indifferent, and that his proposal promises a lot.

This is a legal and free service through which we listen to music from your iPhone (and soon in Android and Blackberry), we are connected or not.

Furthermore, it is necessary to create playlists, because the App learn our tastes and handles offer songs automatically as we often hear: styles, singers, etc..

The truth is that I think worth trying to see what's going on because it has a painted barbarian. So if you have an iPhone and I love to use it to listen to music anywhere, you know.


Link| Biit
Seen on | WWWhatsnew
Vídeo | Vimeo
Download| iTunes (GRATIS) 

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