Yes, it is curious. You were downloading in BitTorrent , when little by little your downloads has slowed. If there are a number of sources, it is very possible that your access provider Internet has gone over to those who have decided to make life miserable for exchanging files over the Internet. Install technologies that recognize the data stream, and give them the lowest priority imaginable, as if you paid less than others.
We will not enter into the moral or practical if it is good or bad exchange files. What we are going to show you some tricks so you can get the most out of downloads for a connection that you are paying each month. If you're using Vuze, formerly Azureus, you have to go to the button of "tools" button on the top bar. Choose under "options" and then open the menu "Connection". Finally, enter "transport encryption" check the box "Require encrypted transport", and set minimum level "RC4". To cover your back, also mark the box "allow unencrypted outgoing connections if encrypted failure to try the ".
If you're using uTorrent, you have to go to the menu "Options" located on the top bar, and there choose "Preferences." You can also enter the key combination CTRL + P. There, open the section "BitTorrent" and in that window, in the "protocol encryption" and forced to choose between active. You can also check the "allow incoming legacy connections". In this way, you can connect with customers are not encrypted but is somewhat less secure. Most BitTorrent clients have some way of hiding protocol.
If you're using uTorrent, you have to go to the menu "Options" located on the top bar, and there choose "Preferences." You can also enter the key combination CTRL + P. There, open the section "BitTorrent" and in that window, in the "protocol encryption" and forced to choose between active. You can also check the "allow incoming legacy connections". In this way, you can connect with customers are not encrypted but is somewhat less secure. Most BitTorrent clients have some way of hiding protocol.
Another little trick to try to improve the download speed is to change the port number or used for BitTorrent downloads. The default port is 6881, although some clients are using another. You can change that number in the preferences menu of the various programs. Now every time you change the port number, you will at once to reset the router to allow incoming connections through that port. Vuze users can also blend in with the crowd, so it does not appear initially as a file sharing or seeders. Should go to menu "Tools" and there choose "transfer." When that window, they just check "Use lazy bitfield". There is a similar box in uTorrent, on the menu "options" in the folder of "transfer."