You just bought a laptop or a PC ? Congratulations! However, one of the early headaches we find, after setting at home, is the number of " programs garbage "that are installed.
From antivirus that lasts a week, trial versions of Office, a lot of applications that never will use, all you get these programs to us users, is to remove large percentage of computer performance that we should be providing.
This is because many of the manufacturers of laptops / PCs generate deals with software developers to include such programs (is a good hook for users to buy applications, after the trial period). The problem is that. probably will not use much of it.
Meet, then, SlimComputer, an application that takes care of cleaning all this trash with a few clicks. We have seen a similar application in the past ( PC Decrapifier ) per or SlimComputer offers a cleaner interface, regular updates, a community that is responsible for defining which programs should be marked as junk, and more.
Before deleting it all, we have the option to review the list of programs, toolbars and other applications to uninstall, if we want to leave some. Another important aspect is that each application has a rating given by the community to know how bad or good the program. For example, you probably will want to leave some brand-specific programs (in the photo, Sony Vaio software, for example), but for other things like trial versions of Norton or McAffee, the best we can do is remove .
And along with the elimination of these applications, we also have an optimizer, which is nothing more than a tool that takes care not to allow unnecessary programs from starting, which helps speed the loading time of Windows .
Definitely SlimComputer has become my new recommendation when you delete files from a laptop or new PC, it is a much more comprehensive than PC Decrapifier .