WishGenies helps you find gifts for your friends on Facebook [Video]
Finding the perfect gift for each person is not easy, and although familiar with their tastes, can be complicated, that's why tools like WishGenies can be of great help.
Thanks to it we want to know what exactly our friends of Facebook, and also find suggestions based on your tastes. To work, each user must register to find 2 or 3 things wanted, and indicate at least 5 stores where they like to buy.
From there, when we want to know what does each one, just have to write your name, and wait for WishGenies do the rest.
Thanks to it we want to know what exactly our friends of Facebook, and also find suggestions based on your tastes. To work, each user must register to find 2 or 3 things wanted, and indicate at least 5 stores where they like to buy.
From there, when we want to know what does each one, just have to write your name, and wait for WishGenies do the rest.
Link | WishGenies