6 year old girl was handcuffed by the police, why? Her name Salecia Johnson

6 year old girl was handcuffed by the police, why? Her name Salecia Johnson

Milledgeville, Georgia, USA - Georgia police handcuffed a 6-year-old threw a tantrum at school, and the police chief defended the arrest.

The girl's family demanded Tuesday that the city change the policy so that other children are not treated equally. They said that she was shocked to see inside a cell at the police station.

Salecia Johnson was accused of starting objects that were on the walls and furniture in a fit down at Creekside Elementary School on Friday, reported WMAZ-TV broadcaster. Police said the girl knocked a shelf that injured the director.

The school called police. The police report says that when an officer tried to calm the baby in the principal's office, it is resisted and was handcuffed. The girl was charged with simple assault and property damage.
The police chief said Dray Swicord department policy is to handcuff people in certain situations.

 "Our policy states that any detainee transported to our station in a patrol should be handcuffed, and there is no age distinction in that rule," Swicord said to WMAZ.
Salecia's aunt, Candace Ruff, went to to pick her up with the girl's mother  at the police station. Salecia said she was alone in a cell and complained about the handcuffs.

 "She said they were too tight. hurt her wrist," Ruff told The Associated Press. "I was very shocked when we went to pick it up."
The Creekside Elementary School officials did not respond to calls made on Tuesday.

"We would like to see that this happens to another child, because it is frightening. It's devastating," said Ruff.

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