Video: World's rarest gorilla was taped

Video: World's rarest gorilla was taped

A video camera installed in the Sanctuary of Kagwene Gorillas in Cameroon, has been able to capture only images of the rarest species of gorilla in the world, according to the Society for Wildlife Conservation (WCS) on its website.

The Cross River gorilla is the rarest of the great apes. Rarely be seen, so these images are unique even for field researchers often study them.

That is why, when conservationists reviewed the cameras installed in the mountains of Kagwene, Cameroon, they found a rare and precious gift in your material, eight Cross River gorillas were taking a walk in the woods. It is noteworthy that one of them seems to be maimed.

The Cross River gorilla filmed by WCS are part of a species of ape in danger of extinction only about 250 copies are free.
'This video gives us a spectacular view of one of our closest relatives, which urgently needs our help to survive, "said Steve Sanderson, WCS president.

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