The cellphones will have the Xbox 360 power by 2014

The phones will have the Xbox 360 power by 2014

The world of mobile devices is a clear peak, increasingly become obsolete more quickly, because the power output should be increased year after year, a career that seems endless.

Well, the manufacturer of NVidia graphics cards and chips, along with AMD struggle for leadership in the PC market, wanted to go beyond distributing a slide showing the evolution of the graphics power of consoles, PC and mobile systems in recent years.

According to this presentation, since 2005 GPUs consoles have remained unchanged, while mobile GPUs have made great strides since 2008.

The Santa Clara company as a reference for the graphics power of mobile phones after the first iPhone and its range of Tegra chips, which are integrated into the mobile operating system Android. Forecasts from NVidia, the visual quality of mobile phones will overtake the Xbox 360 sometime in 2013, and was equated with the first Xbox in 2014.
 This is a natural and logical step for even just a couple of years we did not imagine the quality of the graphics we have today in our pockets, and games like Infinity Blade for iPhone, are proof positive that the future of mobile chips is now a reality.

Even so, still have much to offer, as long as they improve the performance of batteries, which are far light years of progress in hardware.

These estimates jeopardize the future of consoles, and even PCs

To give you an idea of ​​the current potential, we leave you with a video demonstration of the Tegra chip 3.

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