Tip: How to know the passwords stored in the browser with a simple trick

Tip: How to know the passwords stored in the browser with a simple trick

Many of us have the habit to save your password in your browser, thinking that nothing will happen because only show cigars points. Well now watching video of Digital Inspiration have to think twice before doing so and that is a simple extension for the browser anyone can know our password.

To do this we need two things, a browser (Chrome or Firefox) and an extension called Firebug Now just go to a page where you saved your password such as Gmail, select the extension, we will inspect item and click the mouse pointer went to the box where we put our password. You'll see a window and down the page code. We look for where it says ¨ input = password and change the word ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ by text password ¨ and showing you will see that the password change. So you know the password for that account.

It is certainly the easiest way to find a saved password in the browser, use it only for eye know your own password and not to do bad things :)

Update: As we indicated in the comments, it is not necessary since the Firebug extension brings Chrome and Firefox's default option is to do with Internet Explorer! 

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