Amazon Kindle Fire is the Android tablet most popular in the USA (54.4% market share)
Incredible. Despite having been launched as recently as 5 months, Kindle Fire, the tablet from Amazon 7 "(and with an attractive price of $ 199) has left the competition in the dust, taking over as comScore's 54.4% market share of tablets with Android in the U.S.:
Incredible. Despite having been launched as recently as 5 months, Kindle Fire, the tablet from Amazon 7 "(and with an attractive price of $ 199) has left the competition in the dust, taking over as comScore's 54.4% market share of tablets with Android in the U.S.:

As Secondly, we have the whole family of Galaxy Tabs, with 15.4% of the market (yes, the whole family of Tabs, not a specific model). No other tablet peaked at over 10% market share.
Of course, we are referring to Android tablets, if we consider tablets sold overall , the iPhone still has a huge lead over the competition, with latest figures putting even with 68-70% of the market.
Amazon's strategy? Not compete directly with the iPad. Instead of providing a device that tries to do the same and place it at the same price, Amazon, wisely, pulled out a tablet to less than half the cost, with a different format (7 inches, versus 9.7 inches IPAD). The iPhone still has a huge advantage in terms of quality / availability of Android apps compared to tablets, so they try to compete head to head does not have much sense, the iPhone simply is better, in tablets.

Other than to sell a different device, Amazon has the enormous advantage of having a mature content shop, able to compete and even surpass what Apple sells. I do not mean apps, which is still a gap, but in digital media content. Books, series TV, Movies and Music are distributed by Amazon in the U.S., giving you immediately access any user to buy this tablet. It is an advantage that no other manufacturer in the market can match.
Unfortunately, this reliance on content, usually with geographical restrictions have prevented the Kindle is sold out Fire USA, or sold, to fulfill its true purpose: to serve as a device to consume media, bought / leased by Amazon. It will bring the latest version of Android, not even the version of Android for tablets (The Fire runs a modified version of Gingerbread, Android 2.3, originally used in smartphones ), but what really matters is: can we consume content.