Facebook and eBay together are creating business tools

Facebook and eBay together are creating business tools.

Facebook , the largest social network in the world and eBay, one of the pages most relevant e-commerce landscape, work together. The two companies join forces to develop applications that can benefit from social skills within the world of electronic commerce. An executive that is part of the two companies announced the agreement that will prominently Open Graph, Facebook's new tool that can integrate other web pages on the social network world.
Basically, this is a reprint of the famous button "like" to add new options to customize the display of related web pages (removing the nice part, it also means that you can assault the user with much more targeted advertising). For example, if we said that we like a game on the official website of the same and then go to the store page consoles could receive personalized ad game.
The popular auction site eBay intends to use the machine tool in some of their Facebook e-commerce platforms such as Magento. Magento is a company that eBay bought this year and will complement the project x Commerce, open trading platform that is designed to attract more developers and merchants. The Facebook tool let you add comments and investigate the tastes of other social network users in online stores.
Anyway, Facebook is taking another step in his conquest of the Internet, having been successful counterattack Google's initial push Plus. The remodeling of the most popular social network was late (for years did not move enough in the absence of competition) but it came good. Despite this agreement, Facebook was expected to dig deeper into the possibilities of union with eBay, possibly through its PayPal payment platform.


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